January 29, 2009

Puppy Love

Four years ago today I brought this guy home...and our lives have never been the same. I thought I was pretty slick when I "conned" Adam into getting him. I used the "we won't need to have a baby for a couple years" argument. It worked. But the con was on me. We had Jack a few years later, and I quickly realized that having a baby was a MILLION times easier than having a dog. At least our dog. Now that the movie Marley and Me is out, you can get a glimpse of what our day to day life is like with "Crazy Carl". He is exactly like that dog. But for all the times I've screamed, "I'm going to kill you DOG," I've whispered twice as many, "I love you dogger." And I really do. I could not imagine life without him. It has been a crazy four years for our family- career changes,a baby (and one on the way), a cross-country move, and Carl has been there through it all. A late night study partner for Adam, a comforting friend for a tired mom, a daily playdate for Jack and co-pilot on the road. That dog truly is man's/mom's/boy's best friend.

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